A Very Thankful Thanksgiving
We have so much to be thankful for this year! So we decided the whole team needed to share what they are grateful for as we wrap up 2017 and race toward a new year…
Hannah: “I’m thankful for my tiny but fierce Anora, the crockpot, and all of the supportive people in my life rooting for my success.”
Sarah: “I am so very thankful for my husband. We’ve been together since we were teenagers, which means we have done a lot of growing together. He supports me when I try new things, makes me laugh when I need it most, and goes along with most of my crazy ideas. Oh yeah – I am super thankful for his handyman skills too!! New carpet on the stairs, paint, trim, and railing! (Just one of my crazy ideas…) He gives to others whenever they are in need, stays very calm through tough times, and is an amazing dad to our kids. I’m also thankful for my steering wheel heater – something I never knew I needed but couldn’t live without. ”
Theresa: “As I ponder and reflect on the many things I am thankful for, one of the most recent changes for our family comes to mind. In early spring we moved to Lakeville! We were immediately warmly welcomed to the neighborhood by many amazing families bringing treats and cards. I am thankful each and every day for the opportunities our children have by being a part of such a wonderful school district, and community. My hope is for our family to give as much love and acceptance back to the community as we have received.” #lakevillelove
Karla: “I am thankful for my 3 happy, healthy, capable children. They are grateful for all they have, and show it by sharing their time and gifts with others. I am thankful that after hanging out with the same guy for 29 years, we continue to have a lot of fun together. He continues to surprise me, support my crazy ideas, and makes me laugh every day. I am thankful for crossing paths with Sarah this past spring. She lead me to The Property Geeks, undoubtedly the BEST real estate team! I am thankful for their friendship, patience and willingness to share their knowledge with me. I am thankful that Blake Shelton was named the Sexiest Man Alive. Oh, and for coffee.”
Nekeya: “I am thankful for so many things! I love being able to travel with my family and friends. And I’m grateful for my incredible network that has helped me grow into the person I am today! Plus internet, hot water, friendship, family, having a chance to experience different cultures, getting to work in real estate and last, but not least, Thai iced coffee. ”
Julian: “I am thankful for my family, friends and coworkers who believe in me. I am thankful for the Vikings and Timberwolves being amazing this season as well! I am thankful for my clients who trust me with their real estate needs. I’m also very thankful for my girlfriend. She listens to all of my crazy ideas and is very supportive of me!”
Kim: “I’m thankful for so much this year… my family (especially my ever-patient husband), my supportive network of friends, the opportunities I’ve had this past year to further my dreams while I still try to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I’m especially thankful for my morning cup of coffee, the creation of flavored creamers and my discovery of mashed potato bars. Who knew that was a thing?”
And since no one wanted to go after Caarin, we saved hers for last!
Caarin: “I am eternally thankful to my amazing parents. You see… I am one of the lucky ones. I truly have two of the most amazing parents a girl could ever ask for. They were extra strict in all of the “right ways” that made me angry with them as a teenager, and love and understand them as an adult and mother myself. They have worried more hours, dried more of my tears, and continue to be more supportive than I could ever imagine. Not only did they fulfill their job duties as parents, but they are even more amazing as grandparents. For that I am eternally and forever grateful. So today I am thankful for being so lucky to have been blessed with Dan and Carla Hagen as parents.”
So what are YOU thankful for this year? We’d love to know!
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