BOO Your Neighbors!
Have you ever been BOOed?
We’re not talking about being booed because you wouldn’t kiss your sweetie on the Jumbotron… we’re talking about a Halloween tradition that’s been sweeping the nation… BOOing your neighbors!
Here’s how it works… anyone can start the Boo chain. All you have to do is make up a sign or print the one we’ve provided below, gather some Halloween goodies or treats, then secretly drop them off to a friend or two. They’re supposed to keep the chain going. We’ve been doing this in our neighborhood for years. Sometimes we start the boo chain, other times a sneaky neighbor will beat us to it. You don’t even have to stick to your neighborhood. BOO a business! Take the BOO chain to a neighborhood where you don’t know anyone and start the tradition there. Let your kids BOO a few apartments in an assisted living facility or retirement community. The residents especially enjoy it if the kiddos come in costume. Just check with the staff first to make sure it’s okay.
The real fun is in spreading the holiday cheer from house to house. Our whole family gets involved. The girls love to help put together the baskets and goodies. But their favorite part is ringing the doorbell and running away before they get caught in the act of BOOing! After the chain has been going for a few days we love to drive through the neighborhood and see all of the “We’ve Been BOOed” signs hanging in doors and windows.
If you need ideas on what you can BOO your neighbors with, we’ve got plenty:
- A basket of Halloween themed goodies like spider rings and candy
- A gallon of cider and the ingredients to make Property Geek Sarah’s Double Duty Apple Cider
- Homemade cookies
- Pumpkins!
- A Halloween decoration or two
- Glow in the dark necklaces or flashlights for Trick-Or-Treating
- Ingredients to make Halloween-themed s’mores with ghost-shaped marshmallows
- A tube of slice and bake Halloween cookies along with a jar of sprinkles or can of frosting
- A bag of apples and a jar of caramel for dipping
There’s also an adult twist for the game. Not only can your neighbors be BOOed, they can be BOOzed as well. Add a bottle of caramel vodka to the goodie basket or drop off a bottle of wine or six-pack of Oktoberfest beer.
And if all of your friends and neighbors have already been BOOed or BOOzed and you need someone to keep the chain going… feel free to stop by The Property Geeks office in downtown Lakeville!
Happy BOOing!
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